Wednesday 23 November 2011

Canon Photo 5 entries

 The Brief - Macro Foam ... best viewed large
 The Brief - Panning (movement of ribbon or camera) - this entry was removed by Canon, I think due to the image not being a high enough resolution ... other possible reasons were that it does not fit the brief adequately or something in the entry was rude or inappropriate. Was most discouraged by this as it took me a long time to get this shot. I didn't resubmit as I just ran out of time.
The Brief - Through your pet's eyes ... Jessie was sitting right beside me when I took this photo and as you can see the cow is checking her out.

The other briefs were sequins and powder and although I did try for those too I just wasn't happy with the end results.

1 comment:

Pat (mspfd) said...

Looks like the cow is posing for the picture.