Wednesday 19 October 2011

Project 365 - Day 61 - Dew Spots

Day 61 - can you believe that I've made it this far? Last time I tried just uploading a photo a day I didn't get through the first week, let alone take a photo a day!! I've impressed even myself this time ... 1/5th of the way through the challenge!! :-)
Yes, I have already been out with the camera this morning and run a quick errand and it's only just 7:40am. We had a nice spot of rain yesterday and it turned cold last night so this morning everything was covered in dew/rain spots. It's nice to know that it'll all stay green for a bit longer - by now it's all usually going brown and you really know that summer is on it's way! BTW - this one looks great enlarged! Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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