Sunday, 4 January 2015

Welcome to 2015

I have no idea where 2014 went and I can't believe that I just didn't keep up with updating my blog here. This year will be different as I have taken on 2 photography projects. 
Project 52 - Take a photo at least once a week with a weekly theme 
Project 365 Lensbaby - Take at least one photo a day but the challenge here is to use a Lensbaby lens &/or optic. I love my Lensbaby products but just don't seem to use them very often ... so this will be a real challenge! I started my 365 on new years eve of 2014 and these are my photos to date. 
 Paddock Grasses 1/365

 Sunrise 1st January 2015 2/365

3/365  The truck my hubby drives - nearly 130 tonnes of truck, trailers & cargo heading up the highway (next time he is on day shift I will retake the photos with morning light!!)
4/365 Fruit (our weekly theme for P52)

1 comment:

Pat (mspfd) said...

Oh my gosh, I can't get over the truck Brian drive. Is he on the road a lot or is able to make it home most nights.

Awesome photos, Chelle!