Saturday, 18 August 2012

Project 365 - Day 365 - Saturday 18th August

Well, it's here. The final day. What can I say ... I've so very much enjoyed my photographic journey over the last year. I've learnt lots. Met new people and made some lovely new friends through photography.

I found this gorgeous green tree frog while cleaning up our outdoor area today and felt it made for the perfect last subject for Project 365.
I would like to send out a really big thank you to all of you who have followed me through this project, offered advice, given help, commented on my photos, taken me out for the day and just generally been there when I needed you. Your support has been beneficial and very welcome!!
At the moment I've not got any further photography projects set in concrete but will keep uploading the photos that I want to share and will keep a look out for a new project to take on!

1 comment:

Pat (mspfd) said...

Congratulations on reaching your goal, Chelle. I've enjoyed viewing your gorgeous photographs this year.

Love this fabulous photo. The colors are amazing!